Sure, a credit card is influential in boosting your credit score, but how do you know which one to get? After all, hundreds of credit cards are available, so how do you choose the best credit card for you? Below are a few factors that you should always keep in mind.
Secured or Unsecured
Unsecured and secured credit cards have distinct differences.
Secured credit cards are issued with a credit line that you provide in the form of deposit. They’re often used to help improve credit and usually come with a very low APR. Unsecured credit cards, on the other hand, have a higher APR and come with a pre-loaded credit line from the financial institution you get it from.
People usually go with an unsecured credit card once their credit score improves with a secured credit card.
Interest Rate
A credit card’s interest rate, or annual percentage rate (APR), is usually either a variable or fixed rate that’s placed on your card. With a variable rate, the amount you pay monthly can change from time to time, but a fixed-rate card has a single interest rate that you pay on a month-to-month basis.
However, keep in mind that even fixed-rate cards can have changed rates depending on financial triggers, such as paying your bill late.
Credit Limit
Your credit line is a set amount of money your credit card lender is allowing you to borrow. This amount usually depends on your credit history, ranging from a hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. However, you never want to max out your credit limit, or else it can impact your score or even cause you to lose your card.
Usually, credit card fees are charged per cash advances and balance transfers. However, there are also penalties for paying your bill late or going over your credit limit, like we mentioned above.
When reviewing credit cards, you should focus on cards with lower fees, such as the ones offered by our Georgia credit union.
Most credit card lenders offer reward programs to influence their customers to use their card. Plus, most reward programs are totally free, so they’re an excellent benefit that comes with the credit card. As you are trying to choose the best credit card for you, make sure it has a decent reward program, such as travel or cash points, which you can redeem.
For more guidance on how to choose the best credit card, please contact us through our Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union website or step into one of our credit union locations in the Savannah Metropolitan Area.