Whether you are a credit union member or credit union associate, you are likely well aware that you should watch out for counterfeit money. If you do identify fake money, it’s important to understand what you should and should not do. Following are several recommendations by the U.S. Secret Service.
What You Should Do if You Receive Counterfeit Money
- Safely try to delay the passer if possible. Keep in mind that the individual who gave you the bill may be unaware that he or she is in possession of fake money.
- Make note of the passer’s description, any companions, vehicle make and model, and license plate number if possible.
- Write your initials and date in the white border areas of the suspect note.
- Contact your local police department or U.S. Secret Service field office, and give the bill or coin to a properly identified police officer or agent.
What You Should Not Do if You Receive Fake Money
- Do not give it back to the person who gave it to you.
- Do not misplace it, handle it more than necessary, or give it to others. Instead, carefully place it in an envelope and set it in a safe place.
- Remain respectful toward the person who handed it to you. Do not argue with the individual.
If you have received counterfeit money, submit a Counterfeit Note Report to the U.S. Secret Service.