Tax Season is Underway: Don’t Forget these Tax Deductions
As you gear up to file your 2019 taxes this year, make sure you understand the full range of tax deductions available. Here are a few you might not be aware of. 1. Health Insurance Premiums Deductible medical expenses must exceed 10 percent of your adjusted gross...
Give Smart: How to Make the Most of Your Charitable Donations This Holiday Season
The holiday season is the season of giving — giving to your loved ones, giving to your coworkers, and giving to charitable organizations. As you’re doing so, remember that your generous donations can mean money back in your pocket when tax season comes around. In...
Can I Access My Credit Union Account Outside of the State of Georgia?
Our members often ask if they can access their credit union accounts outside of the state of Georgia, and our answer is, “Yes, you can!” That’s the benefit of online banking and phone banking. It’s also the beauty of choosing a credit union that participates in a...
Teach Financial Literacy to Children with These Tips
As parents, it is our responsibility to prepare children for adulthood. One aspect of this is teaching financial literacy to them. When your kids know how to manage money well, they may be less dependent on you financially when they become adults. In addition, they...