If you are a young adult who has just begun to become financially independent, you may be wondering what the credit score ranges really mean. Following is a brief explanation of the numbers from two of the major credit scoring companies: FICO and VantageScore.
The Differences Between FICO and VantageScore
Let’s start with a simple explanation of the key differences between FICO and VantageScore.
- FICO – which originally stood for Fair, Isaac and Company – was founded in 1956 and has been the credit scoring leader for several decades. VantageScore began in 2006.
- As noted on the Experian.com website, VantageScore uses a single tri-bureau model, while FICO creates specific scoring models for each of the three major credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.
- You will need to have credit for at least six months before FICO can give you a score, but you can get a score from VantageScore sooner.
Credit Score Ranges
Another notable difference between FICO and VantageScore is the credit score ranges. Conceptually, the significance behind the numbers is the same, but they do vary. Here’s a breakdown.
FICO Scores and What They Mean
Exceptional: 800 to 850
Very Good: 740 to 799
Good: 670 to 739
Fair: 580 to 669
Very Poor: 300 to 579
The VantageScore Range
Excellent: 781 to 850
Good: 661 to 780
Fair: 601 to 660
Poor: 500 to 600
Very Poor: 300 to 499
According to data from Experian from the second quarter of 2019, the average FICO Score in the United States was a record high 703. In Georgia specifically, the average was 682.
Learn How to Improve Your Score
For more information about how credit scores are obtained or how to improve your score, speak with a Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union team member. Visit one of our branches, see our credit union’s blog page, message us through our website, or call us at (912) 236-4400 to learn more.