A credit card isn’t just a credit card. Sure, they may all be the same size and generally have the same concept, but when you read the fine print, they’re all different in some way. Research has shown that credit unions specifically tend to provide users with a better experience and better results when it comes to credit card ownership. There are many benefits of obtaining a credit card from a credit union, and following are only a few of them.
Why Obtaining a Credit Card from a Credit Union is a Smart Choice
1. It’s well-known that you might get better rates.
Annual percentage rates tend to be lower than those you might receive from banks.
2. You take ownership in the card.
Before obtaining a credit card from a credit union, you have to be a member of that union. And members are owners, so that essentially means you will truly own the card. You can’t say the same about credit cards issued by a bank, clothing store, or gas station.
3. Because a credit union is not for profit, you won’t see the same fees.
A Pew study recently showed that credit union credit cards tend to have more consumer-friendly terms regarding cash advance, over-the-limit, and late payment fees. You also are less likely to see an annual fee.
4. It provides you will all the benefits you desire plus some.
You can still use the credit card as you would any other. The cards are accepted nationwide, can be used for online transactions, can be used for automatic payments, and so on.
5. Credit unions may be more open-minded.
Because you are a member of the credit union, you may have additional options or choices if you don’t have a perfect credit history. They’ll work with you and take care of you because you are a part of their union.
Step Into One of Our Branches to Apply for a Credit Card
If you’re a member of our Georgia credit union and wish to apply for a credit card, step into one of our branches or visit us online. If you’re not already a Georgia credit union member, look through our website or talk with one of our representatives to learn more about the benefits of joining our credit union.
Regardless of which credit card or financial institution you choose, be sure to read the terms and conditions to thoroughly understand your rights and any fees that may apply. Ask us any questions you may have about your banking options, and we’ll provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.